Place: Mali
Focus: Exhibitions, Artist Studios, Archives, Research, Knowledge, Critique, Public Art, Writing, Publishing, Biennales and Festivals, Multimedia, Curatorial Practice, Art Centre, Library, Radio, VideoTalks and Discussions, Conferences
Place: Uganda
Focus: Residencies, Workshops, Education, Artist Studios, Archives, Research, Knowledge, Critique, Public Art, Writing, Biennales and Festivals, Multimedia, Curatorial Practice, Library, Talks and Discussions
32º East is a centre for the creation and exploration of contemporary Ugandan art. Based in the capital, Kampala, 32º East aims to provide artists and cultural producers with the information, resources and exposure needed to raise the profile of Ugandan art to a national and international level. Key to the success of 32º East is the formation of partnerships. We are working with a number of key organisations to ensure the longevity, growth and productivity of an energetic Ugandan art scene.
Place: DRC
Focus: Residencies, Exhibitions, Video, Masterclasses, Artist Studios, Archives, Research, Knowledge, Critique, Public Art, Biennales and Festivals, Multimedia, Curatorial Practice, Art Centre, Library, Talks and Discussions, Workshops
KAS/Kin ArtStudio project Is a cultural, non–profit Organization, was founded in 2010, by the congolese visual artist, Mwilambwe Bondo, KAS is an artist initiative serves as a laboratory for developing talent on an national and an international level. which favors the creation or the innovation in the field of visual arts and other forms of contemporary artistic expressions in Kinshasa, DRCongo, in Africa and in the World.
Place: PAN-African
Focus: Literature, Talks and Discussions, Publishing, Archives, Knowledge, Writing, Multimedia, Library, Education, Video, Exhibitions, Research
Chimurenga is a project-based mutable object, a print magazine, a workspace, and platform for editorial and curatorial activities. Chimurenga initiatives include the Chimurenga Chronic, a pan African quarterly gazette; the Pan African Space Station (PASS), an internet-based music platform; African Cities Reader, a bi-annual publication of new writing and art on African cities; Chimurenganyana, a series of pavement-disseminated monographs; and many more
Place: Ghana
Focus: Exhibitions, Workshops, Research, Knowledge, Critique, Public Art, Publishing, Library, Talks and Discussions
The Foundation for Contemporary Art-Ghana is an active network of artists created to offer a platform for the presentation and the development of a critical forum for the promotion of contemporary art in Ghana. FCA was founded in 2004 by 23 founding members representing artists, gallery owners, academics and patrons of the arts. The founding of FCA was initiated by Virginia Ryan (Australian-Italian Artist/Writer) and the Late Prof. Joe Nkrumah (Anthropologist/Conservator/Curator).
Place: Republic of the Congo
Les Ateliers Sahm opened in the fall of 2012 under the artistic direction of the Congolese artist and writer Bill Kouélany.
This arts center in Brazzaville focuses primarily on the plastic arts, but is also open to other forms of artistic expression such as literature, film, music, and theater.
Les Ateliers Sahm provides workspaces, materials, and practical instruction to a new generation of artists and designers, supporting them in the development of their artistic skills and in their critical engagement with their own work, and helping them make important contacts. Every year between September and December, international experts give workshops and seminars on painting, video art, and art criticism. This is followed by an exhibition of the works created in these sessions, which are awarded prizes in several categories. Along with its residency program, les Ateliers Sahm thus provides Congolese artists a platform for their art and a forum for exchange with international artists.
Focus: Critique, Residencies, Public Art, Exhibitions, Workshops, Library, Mediatheque, Artist Studios, Conferences, Art Centre, Talks and Discussions
Place: Nigeria
Focus: Exhibitions, Video, Workshops, Education, Archives, Research, Knowledge, Critique, Public Art, Writing, Publishing, Biennales and Festivals, Multimedia, Curatorial Practice, Library, Talks and Discussions
The Centre for Contemporary Art, Lagos (CCA, Lagos) is an independent, non-profit, art institution established in 2007. It aims to provide a platform for the development and presentation of contemporary art and culture; prioritising media such as photography, film and video, performance and installation art, both locally and internationally.
Place: Tanzania
Focus: Residencies, Exhibitions, Masterclasses, Workshops, Artist Studios, Public Art, Biennales and Festivals, Art Centre, Library, Talks and Discussions
Nafasi Art Space is a young cultural centre in Tanzania, set up to improve the visual arts in the country. We have 15 artists working in 11 studios on a large industrial plot in Dar es Salaam, as painters, designers, illustrators and sculptors. Nafasi Art Space, started in 2007 as a Non-Governmental Organisation with support from the Danish Centre for Cultural and Development (DCCD). In a little over a year Nafasi became a vibrant place in Dar es Salaam, where artists work and the public can experience art.