
KAS (Kin Art Studio)

Place: DRC

Focus: Residencies, Exhibitions, Video, Masterclasses, Artist Studios, Archives, Research, Knowledge, Critique, Public Art, Biennales and Festivals, Multimedia, Curatorial Practice, Art Centre, Library, Talks and Discussions, Workshops

KAS/Kin ArtStudio project Is a cultural, non–profit Organization, was founded in 2010, by the congolese visual artist, Mwilambwe Bondo, KAS is an artist initiative serves as a laboratory for developing talent on an national and an international level. which favors the creation or the innovation in the field of visual arts and other forms of contemporary artistic expressions in Kinshasa, DRCongo, in Africa and in the World.


Place: PAN-African

Focus: Literature, Talks and Discussions, Publishing, Archives, Knowledge, Writing, Multimedia, Library, Education, Video, Exhibitions, Research

Chimurenga is a project-based mutable object, a print magazine, a workspace, and platform for editorial and curatorial activities. Chimurenga initiatives include the Chimurenga Chronic, a pan African quarterly gazette; the Pan African Space Station (PASS), an internet-based music platform; African Cities Reader, a bi-annual publication of new writing and art on African cities; Chimurenganyana, a series of pavement-disseminated monographs; and many more

CCA Lagos

Place: Nigeria

Focus: Exhibitions, Video, Workshops, Education, Archives, Research, Knowledge, Critique, Public Art, Writing, Publishing, Biennales and Festivals, Multimedia, Curatorial Practice, Library, Talks and Discussions

The Centre for Contemporary Art, Lagos (CCA, Lagos) is an independent, non-profit, art institution established in 2007. It aims to provide a platform for the development and presentation of contemporary art and culture; prioritising media such as photography, film and video, performance and installation art, both locally and internationally.


Place: Cameroon

Doual’art is a contemporary art center based in Douala since 1991. As a research laboratory on the relationship between art and the city, it wants to push the boundaries of contemporary art. Its ambitions is to give a soul to a changing southern city, to reveal its emerging identities, to give a forum for public speech on specific issues as well as change the gaze on the aesthetics of its environment and, by the end, create an audience carefulness of contemporary art. To do this, doual’art exhibits and invites cameroonian and international artists, both in “Espace doual’art”, the white cube gallery space and outside in the public areas, where these creative people (visual artists, designers, architects,…) are invited to dialogue with urban practices. Since 2007, doual’art organizes the Trienal SUD-Salon Urbain de Douala, a public art festival whose purpose is to go and meet the inhabitants and enrich the city’s contemporary heritage.

Focus: Public Art, Exhibitions, Residencies, Video, Artist Studios, Archives, Research, Knowledge, Writing, Critique, Publishing, Biennales and Festivals, Multimedia, Curatorial Practice, Radio, Art Centre, Talks and Discussions, Workshops, Symposiums

Henry Tayali Visual Art Centre

Place: Zambia

Focus: Photography, Workshops, Seminars, Archives, Exhibitions, Education

The Henry Tayali Art Gallery was named as a tribute to late artist Henry Tayali, who died in Germany in 1987. Henry Tayali was born in Serenje, Zambia in 1943. Tayali’s talent was evident so early that he had his first exhibition at the age of 15, in Bulawayo , Zimbabwe where he lived at the time. He had already developed a social and political conscience which came to inspire all his work. His work reflected African nationalism, and deep concern for Africa’s urban masses uncomfortably uprooted from their traditions.